A thought struck me the other day while I was out in my garden. This is like playing outside.
I was always a kid with dirty hands, skinned knees and rocks in my pockets all summer. I loved being outside. But when you're a kid you don't need an excuse to play outside. You don't need a purpose or a task. You just go out and run around, play with bugs, pick dandelions, make helicopters out of maple seeds, do whatever you want without thinking about what time it is or what anyone thinks.
As an adult, (okay, that title is debatable) I might feel a little odd just poking around outside doing nothing in particular. So I think gardening bridges that gap. It lets me play around and explore nature-y stuff while still seemingly doing an "adult-like" productive thing.
Sometimes, while picking pea pods or watching the bees buzz in and out of the tomato blossoms, I still forget what time it is and don't care whether anyone is watching.
This is my sandbox.
But instead of making mudpies I'm growing vegetables. And sometimes it's good to get outside and get your hands dirty.